What We Do
Star Pediatric Home Care Agency is a premier pediatric skilled nursing home health care provider in New Jersey.
We provide the highest level of pediatric nursing services to each child and their family with compassion and dedication.
Star Pediatric Home Care believes that medically complex children thrive when they receive skilled nursing services in the comfort of their home and surrounded by their family. We enter every home in a respectful, professional manner because we are committed to preserving the dignity of every child and their family.
Each child and family will meet with the Clinical Director to address their clinical and social needs. The Clinical Director will then assign nurses best suited for the medical needs of the child as well as the unique needs of the family. Parents will have the opportunity to express their concerns, preferences, and schedule.
At Star Pediatric Home Care, we pride ourselves in treating clients as if they are part of our own ‘family’. This philosophy has allowed us to become a successful pediatric nursing organization.

Family Patient Centered Care
We recognize that each child and each family is unique. Families have different personalities, life experiences, values, beliefs, and religious and cultural backgrounds.
Care provided should be equal to all patients and flexible so that the needs and choices of families can be met.
Skilled Nursing
In New Jersey, Star Pediatric Home Care Agency offers the highest level of skilled nursing services at home. We work closely with the healthcare team involved in the care management of our children; and we care for each child and their family with compassion and dedication.
We place value on
Open honest communication between patients, their families, and Star Pediatric staff. Being able to talk about concerns and challenges is important for changing, improving, and developing best care practices and policies for our children. This kind of clear communication enhances the patient’s and family’s health care experience.

Case Management
In New Jersey, Star Pediatric Home Care Agency offers the highest level of skilled nursing services at home. We work closely with the healthcare team involved in the care management of our children; and we care for each child and their family with compassion and dedication.
Upon discharge, Star Pediatric Home Care Case Managers will collaborate with insurance case managers, social workers, doctors, therapists, and hospital discharge planners to ensure that maximum benefits are obtained for each child. We work closely with everyone in the care management of our children.
Once the child is home, we will continue to work on ensuring that the utmost benefits are maintained.
In addition the skilled nursing care, Star Pediatric Home Care staff works closely with DME (Durable Medical Equipment) companies to coordinate any necessary medical equipment and supplies.